How to Harness Your Dog
Step 2
Tighten the cinch strap snugly under your dog’s belly. Use the upper buckle to adjust the chest piece up or down. Use the lower buckle to move the shoulder piece forward or backward. The half-saddle should sit directly over dogs shoulders.
Step 3
The chest piece should sit just above the dog’s prosternam (bone that protrudes in middle of chest).
Step 4
Attached the traces from the spreader bar/whiffletree to the side “D” ring on both sides of the body harness. The traces need to be of equal length and long enough to prevent contact between your dog and the cart. Caution: Do not allow your dog to step on the trace clip as it may pinch toe webbing.
Step 5
Attach one end of the shaft holder strap to the top “D” ring. Pull the strap across the right cart shaft approximately 2-4 inches behind the hand grips.
Step 6
Wrap the strap around the cart shaft three times moving away from the grip with each successive wrap.
Step 6 – Note
The first wrap will produce two widths of strap, each addition wrap will produce one more width.
Step 8
Attach strap to top “D” ring. Strap must fit very snug in order to prevent shaft movement over bumps or when braking.
Step 9
The shafts should be level or slightly above level to balance properly. To raise the shafts, grasp both sides of the wraps and twist in towards the dog. Twist away from the dog to lower the shafts.
Step 10
Take a few steps forward to ensure the spreader bar (whiffletree) moves slightly. Note: If the spreader bar does not move there is not enough tension on the traces. This will cause the dog to pull from the shafts which may cause injury. You can adjust the tension without unhitching by sliding the shaft holder strap wraps forward towards the grips or by tightening the trace length.
Get In Touch
Talk with Allan
(705) 768-3647
1696 Tara Road
Ennismore, Ontario
K0L 1T0